Tunnels & Trolls - City of Terrors
Flying Buffalo Tunnels & Trolls Solo Adventure 9: City of Terrors (Original), Fantasy Role Playing Game Module Welcome to the CITY OF TERRORS. This is the first open-air solitaire dungeon. It is set in the City of Gull on the sunbaked tropical island of Phoron. You come by ship, you disembark and are taken by carriage to the hotel. You take a room and tip the clerk 20 gps to make sure that your things don't get ripped off. Between adventures, you may drop stuff off in your room, change your clothing, or exchange your weapons. Any humanoid creature, be it orc, ogre, or elf may journey here. If you happen to be a man-tiger (courtesy of the justifiably infamous Ken St. Andre and the Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon) you will find what your are looking for to the east of the hotel. Magic may be used, but only in the very limited way it is allowed here. If I don't specifically say you can use it, you can't. There are job openings in Gull - if you sign on, follow the directions at your place of employment. This dungeon was designed with the well-rounded, mid-level character in mind. However, at times a first-leveler will win out where a superhero loses. Keep this in mind. Needed: Dice, T&T rules, deck of cards, paper, pencil.