Shadow in the South
Enter the mysterious realms of southwestern Middle-earth, a land touched by the black legacies of Morgoth and Sauron, the graceful creations of the Avar Elves, and the fiery passion of the Men of Westernesse. Here, between the Great Sea and the golden spires of the Yellow Mountains, the powerful seafaring Númenórians and their relentless successors warred with the savage Haradrim. Amidst this unceasing struggle, the wild Sedari and Drel people labor to survive and maintain their peculiar cultures. These tribes cannot run from the Shadow in the South, for they reside beyond Far Harad - at the very edge of Middle-earth. Long-settled yet full of wild shores, dark wood, and rugged mountains, south-western Middle-earth is often referred to as the Dominions of the Seven. It is a place of riches and wonder, of fiercely independent oligarchies challenged by the might of the Storm King and the terror engendered by the Lord of the Rings.