Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Player's Handbook 2
Heroes of Primal Might and Ancient Power
From the bright towns and darkened wilderness they come. Mighty heroes intent on exploring dungeons, slaying monsters, and battling evil.
This companion to the Player's Handbook core rulebook introduces the primal power source, which draws on the spirits that preserve and sustain the world. The Player's Handbook 2 includes four classes tied to the primal power source: the barbarian, the druid, the shaman and the warden. It also presents four new arcane and divine classes of magic: the avenger, the bard, the invoker and the sorcerer.
This essential book for D&D players contains other exciting options, including new races, powers, feats, paragon paths (including racial paragon paths), epic destinies, magic items (including totems), rituals, and a background section designed to help you develop your character's history and personality.