Adventures in Middle-Earth - Mirkwood Campaign
The Necromancer may have been cast out of Dol Guldur, but a lingering darkness remains over Mirkwood, a shadow that will grow ever longer as the years draw on – unless a fellowship of heroes step forward and hold back the gloom.
The Mirkwood Campaign for Adventures in Middle-earth includes enough adventure material to keep you playing for months or even years, and includes new rules that give your heroes a real stake in what happens to the world around them.
The Mirkwood Campaign covers 30 years from Gollum first passing through Mirkwood in 2947 to the sad death of King Bard.
The supplement breaks these decades into four sections and then further details each year, giving you the major events that happen in an unfolding story. These events cover both the wider world with its unfolding epic as the events of Lord of the Rings draw ever closer, as well as the more personal fate of the Woodmen and the rise of Dol Guldur, into which events the Player-heroes are thrust.
There’s more to the Mirkwood Campaign as a supplement than “just” a 30 year epic. There are rules for personal holdings, so that your characters can own a real stake in the future of Middle-earth. Be they hunting grounds, an inn, or a silver mine, the Mirkwood Campaign gives you the tools to allow your players to develop an even deeper involvement in Wilderland.
There’s also the brand new Shadows in the Forest rules, that weave Journeys into your Player-heroes’ Backgrounds. The Forest can throw up strange memories, and the endless deep green can be a reflective place in which to travel...
The Mirkwood Campaign is a remarkable supplement, providing decades of in-game play.