Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen
A Dungeon Master 2-pack that includes both a new D&D screen and a bonus d20 Modern screen -- in landscape format with new art.
Useful to anyone running any type of roleplaying campaign, this Deluxe Dungeon Master Screens 2-pack contains both a Dungeons & Dragons screen and a bonus screen for the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game.
The tables on the back of the Dungeon Master's Screen have been revised and updated to comply with the changes made in the new version 3.5 core rulebooks released in 2003.
Every table includes a page number reference you can use to look up more detailed information. You’ll also find some tables modified specifically for this screen that will help you get the information you need as quickly as possible during play.
Also included is a bonus four-panel screen geared toward the action-packed world of your d20 Modern campaign. Because both screens fully support the d20 System, they can be used separately or together by an experienced Dungeon Master or Gamemaster.