Tunnels and Trolls Citybook I Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (first printing)
Citybook I: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker is a role-playing game supplement published by Flying Buffalo in 1982 as part of their Catalyst series of game aids for any role-playing game system. It was written by Steve Crompton, and includes information on how to use typical medieval urban businesses in role-playing encounters. It won an Origins Award and received positive reviews in game periodicals including The Space Gamer, Different Worlds, Dragon, and White Dwarf.
In 1981, Flying Buffalo conceived of the Catalyst series of universal role-playing games aid that could be adapted to any role-playing game system; Grimtooth's Traps was the first such publication. The following year, Flying Buffalo published Citybook I: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, a 125-page 8.5" x 11" softcover book about typical medieval urban businesses, written by Steve Crompton, with illustrations by Stephan Peregrine and Liz Danforth.
Since the contents are not keyed to any specific role-playing system, the introductory section explains how the contents can be adapted to the game system of the referee's choice.
The next chapter gives general information about role-playing for new players.
The rest of the book gives detailed descriptions of 25 businesses, including
- keyed floor plans of the establishment
- character outlines and portraits of notable personalities associated with each business
- several suggestions on how the business and personalities could be adapted into an adventure
The 25 business are subdivided into several categories:
- Lodging and entertainment (tavern and inn)
- Public services (stables, public baths, candlemaker, a surgeon, magic shop, taxidermist, museum, an oracle, tattoo parlor)
- Hardware (armory, blacksmith, bowyer, tanner)
- Community services (clocktower, news guild)
- Spiritual (temple, undertaker, cemetery)
- Security (police, jail)