The Kin-Strife
The Kin-Strifepresents the people, politics, and armies of Gondor under the repressive rule of Castamir the Usurper. The six largest cities of the South-kingdom - Pelargir, Umbar, Lond Ernil, Osgiliath, Minas Anor, and Minas Ithil - are described along with their administrative structures, military organization, and legal systems. Adventures tied to each metropolis bring the civil war to life. The Côr Aran, the Usurper's deadly ring of informers, detain any who work to restore the rightful King to his throne. Common criminals, Southron spies, and servants of the Dark Lord are all embroiled in the conflict. Strange conspiracies and webs of deceit await the bold and the loyal! Can our heroes survive amidst the snares of the Usurper's reign?